I have everything I could ever want. I live in a 1st World Nation, I'm middle class, I have a computer and a tablet, I can create whatever I feel like creating via the internet, I have friends, etc. Yet I am still sad. Other people have much worse lives and just deal with it meanwhile I waste my time laying in bed, doing nothing productive, and being sad without any real reason. Nothing eventful has happened recently, nothing bad, nothing good. Is it that the average life for the average adult in my country is shitty, and that by the time I've moved out it will be worse, is it knowing that we're either in a recession or going into one, is it living during a pandemic? I have every reason to be happen and yet I'm not. How do I cope?
I Know exactly how you feel. I don’t really know where that feeling comes from, but all i know is when ever i do feel like that, i always notice it’s usually the feeling of being stuck or fear of change. Just know you’re never alone.