idk man, when I had similar feelings I would try having a big cry, that sometimes made me feel better.
Other than that you could try cutting yourself off from the internet for a few hours if not days (probably works better if you are hanging out with someone), this also means no masturbation.
I once saw a video about dopamine detox (dopamine is the chemical responsible for craving, it rewards the brain for wanting, if you satisfy your cravings too much like watching youtube videos, your brain starts ignoring the chemical and you stop wanting to do stuff because you stop being rewarded with feeling good. just read the wikipedia page about "Behavioral Sink"s now humans are a little more complex than rats but basically we are living in the human version of rat utopia, food, water, warmth, shelter, sexual gratification, and cognitive gratification) basically there are guides on how to detox your dopamine (it should be noted that the dopamine doesn't actually decrease, there is nothing harmful about dopamine, the problem arises when the receptors atrophy) also I recommend social interaction throughout because, social interaction promotes the release of serotonin which regulates more almost every other chemical process such as hunger, sleep, etcetera).
Exercise and breathing techniques, these are more useful for the type of sadness with physical manifestations such as feeling pressure and or breathing irregularly.
Breathing exercises are great for increasing lung capacity and are a great form of meditation.
Exercise is great for relieving pressure, and there's nothing like feeling your numb muscles.
You could just pick something and keep doing it for an allotted time. Play a game. Read a book, sitting outside and doing nothing just observing things, going for a walk, any other hobbies you might already have. The important thing is that you do it until it is done or until the time you set aside has passed. In a similar vein you could create a schedule and follow it. I'd also recommend you put the time in to interact with someone but this is more important if you stay in this rut for a long time cause boy o boy that's a real possibility. Trust me, a complete stranger, I've been there.
-Questionable Advice-
unless you own millions of dollars of stock in volatile companies that would crumble first in a serious crisis you shouldn't really care about the economy. The most important resource countries have are people, of course they will choose big companies up until like (optimistically) the death of 10% of their populations (it is a bummer that people are just numbers but it's hard to imagine let alone care about 8 billion people, and you won't die, seeing as you are middle class).
The climate is another thing to worry about, but the big picture is that if things continue the way they are going now, the worst will hit before 2050, and overall it will just be uncomfortable for the next century.
But remember, the reason that the people who 'have much worse lives' deal with it is because they were either born into adversity or slowly descended into unfortunate positions, harsh situations create a purer/ simpler pursuit surviving. That's why the suicide rate from depression in tribal communities is so low.
If I made things worse, then remember that you are a single individual and you shouldn't expect yourself to carry the weight of our species' problems.
But the point is; ignore things you can't control, and react to them if you are forced to (look into stoicism, and try to follow it)
-The Alternative-
It might be possible that this isn't a chemical imbalance or an unhealthy body, this could be depression, Try to wait it out with the schedule and talk to people you trust in real life about it. It might go away eventually I've heard depression compared to drug addiction "it might feel like life is hell but once the withdrawal symptoms end you will feel much better".
Eventually, if the sadness never ends you should see a psychiatrist / psychologist (I call 'em shrinks cause it sounds edgy and cool), I've never seen one myself, but from what ive heard from people I knew is that they are too ready to hand out drugs and will rarely try to solve the root cause, which isn't bad if you are legitimately suffering from mental illness, but isn't too cool when there isn't anything seriously wrong with you. If you just want a quick fix, that will always work, but you need money, and I don't recommend it. This is not even on my list of suggestions.
I am a stranger, you asked me how you should cope, I gave an answer based on past experiences, I did not intend any harm.
pick and choose what advice you take, never stop thinking critically but stay open minded.
anything you read online is superseded by the people you trust (parents, teachers, friends, unless they are being untrustworthy). You should decide who you trust with your critical thinking skills
One last thing, dont trust anyone who writes past the word limit on NewGrou
I Know exactly how you feel. I don’t really know where that feeling comes from, but all i know is when ever i do feel like that, i always notice it’s usually the feeling of being stuck or fear of change. Just know you’re never alone.